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Zapier: Triggers

Learn about the different Triggers you can set up in Zapier.

Jody Johnson avatar
Written by Jody Johnson
Updated over a week ago

With Zapier, Triggers are what you'd set up to start, or trigger, your Zap!

Demio offers a few different Trigger options that allow you to do some powerful things.


New Webinar Registration

This Trigger sets things in motion as soon as someone registers for one of your Events.

It's super simple to set up! All you need to do is choose an Event from the dropdown and Zapier pulls in those details.

You'll find all of your Event types, including Like Live Replays.

Joins Webinar

This trigger starts once an Attendee joins your Event.

Like the other triggers, you'll need to choose an Event from the dropdown from which Zapier will pull in those details.

Does Not Attend Webinar

This trigger sets things in motion when a webinar ends and a Registrant did not attend one of your Events.

Does Not Attend Webianr trigger will not fire for On-Demand Sessions where Registrants are able to join webinars at any time so we don't consider them as No Shows.

Webinar Update

This trigger fires off as soon as a Session from a Series Event ends, allowing fields to be updated for existing Registrants that are carried over.

It will allow you to update the fields for the new upcoming date/time as well as the Unique Join Link.

Template Fields

Here's the full list of fields that are pulled in!

While most of the fields that are pulled in are self-explanatory, here are a few descriptions that can help!

Join Link: the Unique Join Link generated for each Registrant
Upcoming Webinar Date: date/time of the webinar in datetime format
Upcoming Webinar Timestamp: time of the webinar

Event Types

When Zapier pulls in your list of Events, it'll include a short annotation to indicate the type of Event.

Here's a full list:

[One Time] – single date Event
[Stays Registered Series] – Stays Registered Series-type
[Choose Date Series] – Choose Date Series-type
[LLR] – Like Live Replays

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