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Zapier: Setup

Learn how to set up a Zapier integration.

Jody Johnson avatar
Written by Jody Johnson
Updated over 5 months ago

Integration between two apps in Zapier is called a Zap. A Zap consists of two different applications, a Trigger and an Action. Whenever a Trigger happens in one app, Zapier will automatically perform the Action in another app.

Note: there's a 1 second delay between Zapier tasks execution. It helps us get around API limits and provides you with an optimal experience!

For this example, we'll show you a simple automation that sends a thank-you email to all participants from Gmail.

Get started with pre-made workflow examples or set up your own on Zapier's Demio Integrations page!

Setting It Up

So let's take a look how to set up Demio with Zapier:

1. Login to Demio and go to Settings from the top right menu:

2. In the Settings area, click on the Integrations tab. Here, you will see all of the apps that integrate with Demio:

3. Once in the Integrations tab, click on the Zapier icon:

4. Scroll down to see pre-made Zaps or click on the Demio integration link above the pre-made Zaps:

5. The Zapier page will automatically open in a new tab. Click on Login and log in with your Zapier credentials (or make a new account):

6. After logging in, click on the orange +Create Zap button in the top left:

7. Now we have to create a Zap in order to connect Zapier with Demio. Search for Demio and select a Trigger:

> In this example, we want to send a thank-you message to all Registrants → So, select New Webinar Registration and hit Continue:

9. With the next step, you will need you to connect your Demio account. Zapier will ask you to provide the API Key and API Secret of your Demio account:

11. For this, go back to your Demio account and click the API option under Settings:

Note: Be careful not to share your API Secret with people outside of your company. If you do, you can always click Regenerate and you will get a new API Secret, but your existing integrations will have to be updated with the new key.

12. Copy these keys from here and paste it on the page shown below:

13. You can now see that your Demio account is connected with Zapier, but in order to integrate Zapier with Demio, we have to connect this Trigger to an Action. Click Continue.

14. On the next step, provide any Upcoming Webinar in Demio and click Continue:

15. Now click the Continue button and proceed to the next step to Test Trigger.

Note: For On-Demand Events, you'll want to use the Custom tab in Zapier to choose the event.

  • First, you'll need to grab the Event ID from Demio. The Event ID is the number that appears in the link of the page you use to edit the webinar:

  • Then, in Zapier you would need to select Custom by clicking the three dots in the event section under Configure. You can then paste the Event ID in the box. Click outside the box to update, then click Continue, to proceed to the Test step.

16. Search for another app → In this case, search for Gmail and select it. Select the action you want to perform:

17. On the next step, click Sign in to Gmail.

18. Login with your Gmail credentials:

19. Allow access to Zapier:

20. You will be redirected to the previous screen and can see that your Gmail account is now connected:

21. Select the information that you'd like to be in your email and click the Continue button at the bottom of the page:

22. The next page will show the format of the email that will be sent to all registrants. You can go back and make changes or click Create & Continue:

23. Click on the Test & Continue button and you should be all set.

24. You can name the Zap here, and toggle the button in the top right to turn the Zap on and off (don't forget to turn it on before you leave!):

25. Now you can go back to your Demio account and check the integration page.

Zapier will appear under your current integrations:

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