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Chat Box Overview

A quick overview of the Chat Box.

Jody Johnson avatar
Written by Jody Johnson
Updated over a week ago

The Chat Box will be your primary point of contact with Attendees!

All Attendees will have access to the Chat Box and have the ability to send messages.

The Chat Preferences will determine exactly who is allowed to see any messages sent by Attendees, but Admins (Hosts/Presenters/Moderators) will be able to view all chat messages sent.

The Chat Box will automatically outline which users are Admins, and which are Attendees.

By hovering over a message, you're shown a few options you can use to act upon each message.

  • Delete Message: deleting a message will remove it from the Chat Box altogether.

  • Mark a Question: selecting the ? symbol will mark the message as a Question, sending it to the Questions area of the chat:

  • Direct Message: selecting the @ symbol next to the message allows you to direct message the Attendee and even choose to send it privately. Enter @ and start typing the Attendee's name to send a direct message to an Attendee.

Chat Resources

The Chat Box also allows you the options to share Polls, Handouts, and even Featured Actions with your Attendees.

Here's a quick summary of what each option does!

  • Poll: ask a multiple-choice question to your Attendees and survey their answers

  • Handout: share a file directly with your Attendees

  • Featured Action: share a Call-to-Action link with your Attendees (previously Resources)

With each of our options, you have the ability to Save the option for later or Share Now to have it sent on the fly.

Since everything you set up in the Event room will be saved (even if you leave the room afterward), setting up any actions before your webinar is scheduled to start is a great idea!

Message Box

Using the @ icon located in the Chat Box, you have the option to direct message any Attendee or Admin.

You also have a few Reactions that you can use by selecting the Smiley Face.

It's a fun way to share how you're feeling with everyone else!

Chat Filter and Admin Chat

Near the top of the Chat Box, you'll find an @ icon - to filter out any messages that you were tagged in. This makes it easy to ensure you can monitor any messages that are meant directly for you.

And as an Admin, you'll notice that you have access to the Admin tab, where you can communicate privately with the other Admins.

The Polls tab will allow you to quickly see any polls you ran during the webinar:

The Handouts tab will allow to quickly see any files shared during the webinar as well as the number of clicks.

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